Confit Tomato & Burrata

I love how fancy this appetizer can feel even with being super easy to make. The sweetness from the confit tomatoes, the creaminess of the burrata and the crunch of the crusty italian bread makes this the perfect start to any date night or better yet add some grilled chicken to it and make it a meal! 


Yield:4 people

1 pack of cherry or grape tomatoes 

1 whole head of garlic peeled (you don’t have to use an entire head I just like to have the extra garlic)

Enough extra virgin olive oil 

Salt, pepper, oregano and crushed red pepper flakes to taste

1 container of burrata (usually comes with 4 pieces) 

A few slices of prosciutto 

Balsamic Glaze

Good italian bread, sliced 

Olive oil, to drizzle over bread 
Salt, to taste


Tomato Confit

Preheat oven to 300 degrees 
Add tomatoes, garlic, seasonings, and oil until tomatoes and garlic are covered.  
Bake in the oven for about 1hr and 30 minutes until the tomatoes are blistered and garlic is soft and caramelized. Remove from oven and let cool. This is also great in salads on pizza on a sandwich the options are endless. 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees 
Slice your bread drizzle with some olive oil and salt and toast in the oven for about 5 minutes or until toasted KEEP AN EYE ON IT! It can burn easily. 

To assemble
Take burrata and pull apart and arrange on a plate or platter, now you can use as little or as many of all the items as you want. Play around with it and make it your own. 

Remove some of the tomatoes from the oil and scatter over and around the burrata. Add some of the whole cloves are garlic, drizzle some of the tomato and garlic oil over top, add some slice of prosciutto and finish with balsamic glaze. ** Can also add pesto or basil if you have it!!**



Buffalo Chicken Arancini


Poppy seed Chicken