Welcome Back!

Happy 2022 folks! It's been a MINUTE I know, but I’m fully ready to dive back into this whole “blog” thing. I’ve been really cooking up a storm over the past few months and can’t wait to share some of my new and old go-to recipes. 

First I wanted to give y'all a little update of what's been going on the past few months. Almost all of you know but for those that don’t, my youngest son Wyatt, who was born with a genetic disorder called Trisomy 13 (a 3rd copy of the the 13th chromosome) passed away on June 15, 2021. 

Since this immense loss I've really struggled to know where to go from here. My day to day is still to care for my oldest son Logan, but I’ve also had to learn how to parent  a child that is no longer living. Most day’s I’m able to make it through just fine, Logan helps a lot with that, but other days are more than difficult. I’ve been so grateful for not only our families and friends who have helped and continue to help us tremendously but also for the Trisomy and infant loss community we have connected with. Truly a world you never want to be a part of but the people we have connected with have really made it possible for us to continue on. (You can learn more about Wyatt's birth story in my previous blog post)

All that said, after 7 months I’m really ready to start getting back into the swing of things on here! I know it's something that will do my soul some good and hopefully something that you will all enjoy!

I’m hoping to pivot some energy into something more, starting with this blog! Food is so healing. It obviously is not going to heal my grief, but the connection I get when sharing my food with my family and friends really does bring me so much joy. Especially sharing my love of food with Logan. He LOVES helping me in the kitchen. He adds such a fun new element to cooking for me. Watching him learn and try to figure out how it all works is such a magical time. Now don’t get me wrong there are plenty of frustrating times cooking with a toddler especially when I’m just trying to get a quick dinner on the table, but there is something about our time together mixing, seasoning, tasting, that we both really can’t get enough of!

So get ready for some new recipes and even some insight on getting your littles involved! Start small, it can be something simple as asking them to help wash the veggies before you cut them up or Logan's favorite of adding the salt and pepper into a dish… and then sneezing in it.

It’s good to be back! 


Poppy seed Chicken


Wyatt the Warrior